2018-08-23. AM 02:43
[SketchBook] Draw a muffin

Hello, PENPLEs!

We are back with the fourth drawing tips from @icegido.
Last time, we drew doughnuts, and today’s drawing tip is on “Muffins”.

There are mainly two types of muffins.
One is English muffin and the other is American style muffin.

English muffins are flat, and American style muffins are more like cupcakes that we easily think of.

Today, we will draw an American style muffin. We can draw along together, or you can have your own toppings drawn upon your preference. The drawing app that we will use today will be SketchBook. Are you all ready? Now, let us begin.

TUTORIAL by @icegido

Draw a muffin

with SketchBook

Hello, PENPU users!
I am illustrator Seo Jae-seong with the PENUP name @icegido.

Following last time’s tutorial on sweet dessert doughnut, we will draw muffins with Autodesk Sketchbook.
The specific flavor will be a chocochip muffin.

We will first prepare a canvas.

I’ve set the canvas by selecting the top left menu button – new sketch - user properties.
If you are to use the drawing for a wallpaper, you may go ahead and set the resolution customized to your device.

The selected resolution could easily be used next time.
(ex – Galaxy Note 8 resolution 1440x2960 / Galaxy Tab S3 1536x2048)

Select the fifth option from the top menu bar – right hand side.
This helps you to draw proportionally.

When you click the circle at the center and draft to the spot you want, you can prepare a standard line.

Since we are drawing with a pencil brush after selecting the proportional device, you will have the same drawing appear on the other side when you draw either on the left hand side or right hand side with the vertical line at the middle.

Once your muffin sketch is finished at the front, click the circle and relocate it slightly to the side and sketch the muffin at the rear.

The parts that overlap in the completed sketch can be erased with an eraser tool.
Since the drawing in the sketch is slanted a bit to the right side, you can use the movement tool to position it at the center.

Before we get into the coloring, add a layer that you will be coloring beneath the previous sketch layer.

Just getting used to using the layers will help you greatly as it will help you color without having the sketch erased out.

We will start coloring the chocolate scone at the front.
Select a bit reddish brown and color the overall bread.

You don’t know special skill input for this; just think as if you are coloring the very base solidly.

Then you have to color the beneath part that is consisted of cream on top of the chocolate bread.

Now, we have to color the paper part that is wrapped around the muffin.
You just have to color with a bit lighter color than the one used for the bread.

Think about the curves that took place as the bread got wrapped around.

It is now time for use to color the strawberry syrup in the cream part that was done in No. 11.
Color the beneath part first and color the top of rear muffin with the same color.

The rear muffin will be a basic yellow colored muffin.

Since it is located behind the chocolate muffin, we will add a layer beneath the chocolate color layer and start coloring.

Select deep yellow and color the overall parts like how you did it with the chocolate bread.

You need to color the paper that wraps around the muffin.
You need to use a lighter color than the one used for the bread.

Think about the curves that took place as the bread got wrapped around.

The bottom coloring is done, and it is now time for us to get into details.
Let us move to chocolate muffin and color the darker part between the breads.

If you are having hardship in selecting the color, use a eye dropper to select the colored chocolate bread.
Then, select a darker color from the color window to get a natural and dark color.

In order to express the soft texture of the bread and get natural light and dark, we will express the shades with a lighter color that was used for the bread.

At this time, move your hand lightly as you color in order to get natural expression while coloring.

You can have more detailed expression if you depict with lighter color by separating the levels of lightness in color.

Like the bread part, you just have to draw the darker part for the top cream part and the darker syrup part.

Now, color the cherry, which is the top decoration in the chocolate muffin.
If you color with a deep color than the one used for the syrup, there will be distinctness, influencing the saturation level in drawing.

Now it is time for us to do detailed shadow and light, as well as depict for the yellow muffin.
Draw the darker part of the bread with a darker color than yellow.
Also, draw the decorations and the shadow of the bread barriers.

Draw the dark and light of the decoration in yellow muffin.
Select a darker color than the previous color, and add the colors only to the parts where there are shadows.

Now, you only have to color the darker parts in the drawing that has been done from 30 to 33.
At this time, decrease the size of the brush to get more detailed expressions done.

It is now time for us to get more detailed depicts of the muffin decoration.
In this decoration, there are tiny candies of vivid colors.
I used blue, yellow, red and green to get circle dots.

If you’ve followed fine until No. 35, make the drawing smaller to re-vitalize your eyes.
Go through the drawing bit by bit to check the areas that need improvement.

It is a chocolate chip muffin, so I will draw chocochip on top of the muffin that I’ve drawn so far.
Add another layer on top of the two muffin layers.

In the newly generated layer, select a darker color than the cholate bread to draw chocochips.
Once the chocochips are finished drawing, use a bit lighter color and a bit darker color to get the shadow and light done.

It is now time for us to put dark and light around the muffin paper.
Select the paper color with a eye dropper tool, and color only the folded parts with darker color.

You just have to draw straight lines without any addition of details.

We have to use the white color to get overall luster treatment and barrier handling.
Think in a way that you are getting the barrier line neatly between the front and the rear muffin and draw along.

Also, if you get the luster done with white color in some parts of the muffin bread, the muffins will look tasty enough.

Here you go. We are all done.

This tutorial could have been a bit confusing with too many slides; wonder if you have followed along well.

Thank you.

I believe that the bakeries will no longer a big deal!

How about order coffee and dessert at the coffee shop this weekend to draw them?
It will be also interesting to draw the cake shelf.

When you upload, please upload in the “drawing tip” category or upload with the hashtag #DrawingTips.

We will come back with next drawing tips.

Thank you.

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